Order TeachKind’s ‘Challenging Assumptions’ Social Justice Curriculum Kit!

Challenging Assumptions is TeachKind’s free, new social justice curriculum designed to educate and empower students in grades 6–12 to challenge societal norms and inspire compassion and empathy toward others regardless of species, race, gender, sexual identity, age, or ability. Fill out the form below to receive a free curriculum kit in the mail.
Challenging Assumptions is designed for in-person or virtual learning. The curriculum kit includes access to videos and video transcripts, high-resolution images, reading passages, a teacher’s guide, and printable and digital activity sheets.

Note: Challenging Assumptions is designed specifically for use by middle and high school educators. If you’re not an educator or a school staff member but you’d like to receive a free copy of the curriculum, please send us an e-mail with more information. The Challenging Assumptions curriculum kit can only be delivered to addresses in the U.S. and Canada. You can download the free online version here.
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